8 year old Clyde is a recent SSD grant recipient. Sadly, he was attacked by two larger dogs and did not receive any medical care for two days afterwards. At that point, he was then surrendered over to Mid-Michigan Pug Club rescue who rushed to get him urgent vet care and underwent emergency surgery. As you might imagine, this was all very costly but absolutely necessary in order to save Clyde’s life. We’re thankful to have had the opportunity to financially assist with his care, but more importantly, we are so thankful that Clyde was given a second chance at living The Good Life.

@midmichiganpugclub updates, “The Susie’s Senior Dogs grant was used to help cover Clyde’s emergency surgery that was required after he had been mauled by two large dogs and then left without vet care for two days. He had multiple broken ribs, a major injury in his chest cavity and multiple puncture wounds. He is recovering really well, but unfortunately did develop a secondary infection and is on his third round of antibiotics. He still has a long road ahead of him. His foster mom describes him as ‘the sweetest boy, even after everything he has been through, he loves everyone.’ She said he’s very easy going and loves golf cart rides, pup cups, and prefers to be sitting right in her lap as much as possible.

Clyde is still in foster care until he is medically cleared, however, his foster family has decided they can’t let him go and will be adopting him. Thank you again for choosing us for a grant, we really appreciate it!!”